Monday, March 31, 2014


Muy misterioso. For the last month or so the most popular posting here on Mondo Ernesto has been one about Brainpan Fallout from way back in 2012. Every day follks were clicking on it. I did to, to see what the hell was going on.

Turns out it has links to the Red Dog Journal version that is still available, original typos and all.

At the end I did say that, “I'll serialize the final edit of Brainpan Fallout here at Mondo Ernesto,” and never got around to it. It's been a busy couple of years.

Since there does seem to be interest in Brainpan Fallout, I'm going to do that serialization. Besides, it will give me a break from my Mondo Ernesto duties, and give me a chance to work on all those other important projects.

So stay tuned.

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