Thursday, July 20, 2023


Cacti are a vegetal form of surrealism. Living sculpture that challenges not just our aesthetics, but ways of life. Once one bit me on the ass, leaving long vampire fangs, and giving me visions of life on Mars.

Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose is the master (mistress? does the concept of gender apply here?) of this artform. Lifestyle? Survival strategy? My wife brought one home over twenty years ago, and it has been a constant source of wonder.

It can’t seem to take a bad picture. Point, shoot, and you get an amazing composition. Who is the artist here? Is there any real, conscious action? Is this even a human activity?

When it got too big for its split-open, plastic pot and fell over, it just kept growing, out and up. And now the killer summer chews on it, sucking away juices, burning away skin, changing colors, creating something new, intruding into our world, changing us. This may be the way we survive.

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