Monday, January 18, 2016


Here it is, the cover for the forthcoming Strange Particle Press edition of High Aztech, from Digital Parchment Services.

Now my literary rebellion looks like a classy book that intellectuals discuss in cafes and salons just before the rioting breaks out.

It's a collage that combines images from Diego Rivera's La Gran Tenochitlán mural with the cybervato from Dell Harris' painting Scorpio that I used for my self-published e-version (soon to become unavailable).

Big thanks to Jean Marie Stine and M. Christian, also Samantha Hursey, who created the design, and book designer Frankie Hill.

This is just the beginning – stay tuned for more exciting news!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great cover! And you're right, Ernest, it probably will attract highbrows.
