Monday, February 10, 2014


After way too long I have another book deal. I also participated in my first conference call. Yeah, I'm a primitive – I still don't have a cell phone.

It was all about a multi-book deal with Digital Parchment Services, Inc. My novels and a short story collection will be published as both ebooks and print-on-demand paperbacks. High Aztech will be first, followed by a short story collection. Cortez on Jupiter and Smoking Mirror Blues will come later.

These will be on a new imprint that might be called Strange Particle. They haven't made a final decision on that yet. I'll let you know when I get the news.

They have another imprint that has a brand-new website, Future Past Editions, that features “Off-Trail Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror.” They have some ebooks for a limited time, available for free.

It will be a pleasure to be published by people who are fans of my work and are enthusiastic about promoting it. I've tried doing it all on my own, and I've seen the limits of that. I look forward to getting their advice and support.

The books will have additional material, interviews, behind-the-scenes pieces, and what ever else we can come up with.

Also, before the release of the new High Aztech, I will be shutting down the Kindle and Smashwords editions. So if you want a complete collection of all editions of my books, buy them now.

And, as usual, I've got more work to do . . .


  1. And, as always, life gets even more interesting.

  2. VERY VERY VERY COOL - we're so excited by this! WHEEEE!
