Sunday, October 17, 2010


The Calacanaut is back, leering at you from inside his hot-rod space helmet, and that can only mean one thing – there's another Chicanonautica post on La Bloga! This time I tell of my decades-long quest for science fiction in Spanish, and provide a links-o-rama to places where you can get your ciencia ficción fix in glorioso español.

In my research, I always find more material than I can use, or sometimes the stuff is interesting, but not dead-on to the subject at hand, so let's get on with this Chicanonautica side show:

Inter Nova is an online science fiction magazine that publishes fiction, articles and essays from all over the planet – in English! So go there and go global!

Revista Digital Fantastica, is very much like the others I wrote about in “Quest for Ciencia Ficción,” except that it's in Portuguese.

SciFiWorld: El Portal de Cine Fantastico, covers the fantastic multi-media.

Something else for you English-language types: covers all things sci-fi and Latino from movies and television to my own Smoking Mirror Blues.

Speaking of movies, the Mexican production Sleep Dealer hits the border issues right on the post-cyberpunk cutting edge:

And from the Southern Hemisphere, Chile Fantastico is creating wonders like Calor 2052, and not letting things like earthquakes get them down:

Finally, to keep us from taking ourselves too seriously, a reminder of the ci-fi/fantastico tradition in Mexican cinema:

So, stay tuned, Chicanonauts! There's more to come . . .

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